Age 50 + Celebratory Ride & Club formation
We are ardent Bullet fans aged 50 + and would like to form a similar group of Bullet enthusiasts .
We intend to hold interactive meetings, enjoy short rides in the beautiful countryside around &
beyond Bangalore too. This is a purely non profit and a social initiative to build camaraderie
among Enfield owners aged 50 +. We invite bullet lovers aged 50 and above whose passion for
their Bullet has not diminished with age. Safe riding etiquette / adherence to all aspects of
road safety /Age will be the main criteria for joining this club. We also intend doing some social
service at destination or enroute villages during our rides. If you know of any 50 + bulleteer who
is also passionate of bullets like you, please contact me.
Please register through Facebook at Enfields of Brookefields, Bangalore or join Yahoo
Groups "50 + Bulleteers" or email us at